Source code for ops.framework

# Copyright 2020-2021 Canonical Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""The ops library's infrastructure."""

import collections
import inspect
import keyword
import logging
import marshal
import os
import pathlib
import pdb
import re
import sys
import types
import typing
import weakref
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import (

from ops import charm
from ops.model import Model, _ModelBackend
from import JujuStorage, NoSnapshotError, SQLiteStorage

[docs]class Serializable(typing.Protocol): """The type returned by :meth:`Framework.load_snapshot`.""" handle_kind = '' @property def handle(self) -> 'Handle': ... # noqa @handle.setter def handle(self, val: 'Handle'): ...
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ... # noqa
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: ... # noqa
class _StoredObject(Protocol): _under: Any = None StoredObject = Union['StoredList', 'StoredSet', 'StoredDict'] _Path = _Kind = _MethodName = _EventKey = str # used to type Framework Attributes _ObserverPath = List[Tuple[_Path, _MethodName, _Path, _EventKey]] _ObjectPath = Tuple[Optional[_Path], _Kind] _PathToObjectMapping = Dict[_Path, 'Object'] _PathToSerializableMapping = Dict[_Path, Serializable] _T = TypeVar("_T") _EventType = TypeVar('_EventType', bound='EventBase') _ObjectType = TypeVar("_ObjectType", bound="Object") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Handle: """Handle defines a name for an object in the form of a hierarchical path. The provided parent is the object (or that object's handle) that this handle sits under, or None if the object identified by this handle stands by itself as the root of its own hierarchy. The handle kind is a string that defines a namespace so objects with the same parent and kind will have unique keys. The handle key is a string uniquely identifying the object. No other objects under the same parent and kind may have the same key. """ def __init__(self, parent: Optional[Union['Handle', 'Object']], kind: str, key: Optional[str]): if isinstance(parent, Object): # if it's not an Object, it will be either a Handle (good) or None (no parent) parent = parent.handle self._parent: Optional[Handle] = parent self._kind = kind self._key = key if parent: if key: self._path = f"{parent}/{kind}[{key}]" else: self._path = f"{parent}/{kind}" else: if key: self._path = f"{kind}[{key}]" else: self._path = f"{kind}" # don't need f-string, but consistent with above
[docs] def nest(self, kind: str, key: Optional[str]) -> 'Handle': """Create a new handle as child of the current one.""" return Handle(self, kind, key)
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.parent, self.kind, self.key)) def __eq__(self, other: 'Handle'): return (self.parent, self.kind, self.key) == (other.parent, other.kind, other.key) def __str__(self): return self.path @property def parent(self) -> Optional['Handle']: """Return own parent handle.""" return self._parent @property def kind(self) -> str: """Return the handle's kind.""" return self._kind @property def key(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the handle's key.""" return self._key @property def path(self) -> str: """Return the handle's path.""" return self._path
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path: str) -> 'Handle': """Build a handle from the indicated path.""" handle = None for pair in path.split("/"): pair = pair.split("[") good = False if len(pair) == 1: kind, key = pair[0], None good = True elif len(pair) == 2: kind, key = pair if key and key[-1] == ']': key = key[:-1] good = True if not good: raise RuntimeError(f"attempted to restore invalid handle path {path}") handle = Handle(handle, kind, key) # type: ignore return typing.cast(Handle, handle)
[docs]class EventBase: """The base class for all events. Inherit this and override the ``snapshot`` and ``restore`` methods to create a custom event. """ # gets patched in by `Framework.restore()`, if this event is being re-emitted # after being loaded from snapshot, or by `BoundEvent.emit()` if this # event is being fired for the first time. # TODO this is hard to debug, this should be refactored framework: 'Framework' = None # type: ignore """The :class:`Framework` instance (set by the framework itself).""" def __init__(self, handle: Handle): self.handle = handle self.deferred: bool = False def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} via {self.handle}>"
[docs] def defer(self) -> None: """Defer the event to the future. Deferring an event from a handler puts that handler into a queue, to be called again the next time the charm is invoked. This invocation may be the result of an action, or any event other than metric events. The queue of events will be dispatched before the new event is processed. Important points that follow from the above: * ``defer()`` does not interrupt the execution of the current event handler. In almost all cases, a call to ``defer()`` should be followed by an explicit ``return`` from the handler; * the re-execution of the deferred event handler starts from the top of the handler method (not where defer was called); * only the handlers that actually called ``defer()`` are called again (that is: despite talking about “deferring an event” it is actually the handler/event combination that is deferred); and * any deferred events get processed before the event (or action) that caused the current invocation of the charm. The general desire to call ``defer()`` happens when some precondition isn't yet met. However, care should be exercised as to whether it is better to defer this event so that it is seen again, or whether it is better to just wait for the event that indicates the precondition has been met. For example, if handling a config change requires that two config values are changed, there's no reason to defer the first ``config-changed`` because there will be a *second* ``config-changed`` event fired when the other config value changes. Similarly, if two events need to occur before execution can proceed (say event A and B), the event A handler could ``defer()`` because B has not been seen yet. However, that leads to: 1. event A fires, calls defer() 2. event B fires, event A handler is called first, still hasn't seen B happen, so is deferred again. Then B happens, which progresses since it has seen A. 3. At some future time, event C happens, which also checks if A can proceed. """ logger.debug("Deferring %s.", self) self.deferred = True
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the snapshot data that should be persisted. Subclasses must override to save any custom state. """ return {}
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Restore the value state from the given snapshot. Subclasses must override to restore their custom state. """ self.deferred = False
[docs]class EventSource: """EventSource wraps an event type with a descriptor to facilitate observing and emitting. It is generally used as:: class SomethingHappened(ops.EventBase): pass class SomeObject(Object): something_happened = ops.EventSource(SomethingHappened) With that, instances of that type will offer the ``someobj.something_happened`` attribute which is a :class:`BoundEvent`, and may be used to emit and observe the event. """ def __init__(self, event_type: 'Type[EventBase]'): if not isinstance(event_type, type) or not issubclass(event_type, EventBase): raise RuntimeError( f'Event requires a subclass of EventBase as an argument, got {event_type}') self.event_type: Type[EventBase] = event_type self.event_kind: Optional[str] = None self.emitter_type: Optional[Type[Object]] = None def __set_name__(self, emitter_type: 'Type[Object]', event_kind: str): if self.event_kind is not None: raise RuntimeError( 'EventSource({}) reused as {}.{} and {}.{}'.format( self.event_type.__name__, # emitter_type could still be None getattr(self.emitter_type, '__name__', self.emitter_type), self.event_kind, emitter_type.__name__, event_kind, )) self.event_kind = event_kind self.emitter_type = emitter_type def __get__(self, emitter: Optional['Object'], emitter_type: 'Type[Object]' ) -> 'BoundEvent': if emitter is None: return self # type: ignore # Framework might not be available if accessed as CharmClass.on.event # rather than charm_instance.on.event, but in that case it couldn't be # emitted anyway, so there's no point to registering it. framework = getattr(emitter, 'framework', None) if framework is not None: framework.register_type(self.event_type, emitter, self.event_kind) return BoundEvent(emitter, self.event_type, typing.cast(str, self.event_kind))
[docs]class BoundEvent: """Event bound to an Object.""" def __repr__(self): return ( f'<BoundEvent {self.event_type.__name__} bound to ' f'{type(self.emitter).__name__}.{self.event_kind} at {hex(id(self))}>' ) def __init__(self, emitter: 'Object', event_type: 'Type[EventBase]', event_kind: str): self.emitter = emitter self.event_type = event_type self.event_kind = event_kind
[docs] def emit(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): """Emit event to all registered observers. The current storage state is committed before and after each observer is notified. Note that the emission of custom events is handled immediately. In other words, custom events are not queued, but rather nested. For example:: 1. Main hook handler (emits custom_event_1) 2. Custom event 1 handler (emits custom_event_2) 3. Custom event 2 handler 4. Resume custom event 1 handler 5. Resume main hook handler """ framework = self.emitter.framework key = framework._next_event_key() event = self.event_type(Handle(self.emitter, self.event_kind, key), *args, **kwargs) event.framework = framework framework._emit(event)
[docs]class HandleKind: """Helper descriptor to define the Object.handle_kind field. The handle_kind for an object defaults to its type name, but it may be explicitly overridden if desired. """ def __get__(self, obj: 'Object', obj_type: 'Type[Object]') -> str: kind = typing.cast(str, obj_type.__dict__.get("handle_kind")) if kind: return kind return obj_type.__name__
[docs]class Object: """Initialize an Object as a new leaf in :class:`Framework`, identified by `key`. Args: parent: parent node in the tree. key: unique identifier for this object. Every object belongs to exactly one framework. Every object has a parent, which might be a framework. We track a "path to object," which is the path to the parent, plus the object's unique identifier. Event handlers use this identity to track the destination of their events, and the Framework uses this id to track persisted state between event executions. The Framework should raise an error if it ever detects that two objects with the same id have been created. """ handle_kind: str = HandleKind() # type: ignore if TYPE_CHECKING: # to help the type checker and IDEs: # all these are guaranteed to be set at runtime. @property def on(self) -> 'ObjectEvents': ... # noqa def __init__(self, parent: Union['Framework', 'Object'], key: Optional[str]): self.framework: Framework = None # type: ignore self.handle: Handle = None # type: ignore kind = self.handle_kind if isinstance(parent, Framework): self.framework = parent # Avoid Framework instances having a circular reference to themselves. if self.framework is self: self.framework = weakref.proxy(self.framework) self.handle = Handle(None, kind, typing.cast(str, key)) else: self.framework = parent.framework self.handle = Handle(parent, kind, typing.cast(str, key)) self.framework._track(self) # type: ignore # TODO Detect conflicting handles here. @property def model(self) -> 'Model': """Shortcut for more simple access the model.""" return self.framework.model
[docs]class ObjectEvents(Object): """Convenience type to allow defining ``.on`` attributes at class level.""" handle_kind = "on" def __init__(self, parent: Optional[Object] = None, key: Optional[str] = None): if parent is not None: super().__init__(parent, key) self._cache: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[Object, 'ObjectEvents'] = \ weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def __get__(self, emitter: Object, emitter_type: 'Type[Object]'): if emitter is None: return self instance = self._cache.get(emitter) if instance is None: # Same type, different instance, more data. Doing this unusual construct # means people can subclass just this one class to have their own 'on'. instance = self._cache[emitter] = type(self)(emitter) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def define_event(cls, event_kind: str, event_type: 'Type[EventBase]'): """Define an event on this type at runtime. Note that attempting to define the same event kind more than once will raise an "overlaps with existing type" runtime error. Ops uses a labeling system to track and reconstruct events between hook executions (each time a hook runs, the Juju Agent invokes a fresh instance of ops; there is no ops process that persists on the host between hooks). Having duplicate Python objects creates duplicate labels. Overwriting a previously created label means that only the latter code path will be run when the current event, if it does get deferred, is re-emitted. This is usually not what is desired, and is error-prone and ambiguous. Args: event_kind: An attribute name that will be used to access the event. Must be a valid Python identifier, not be a keyword or an existing attribute. event_type: A type of the event to define. Raises: RuntimeError: if the same event is defined twice, or if ``event_kind`` is an invalid name. """ prefix = 'unable to define an event with event_kind that ' if not event_kind.isidentifier(): raise RuntimeError(f"{prefix}is not a valid python identifier: {event_kind}") elif keyword.iskeyword(event_kind): raise RuntimeError(f"{prefix}is a python keyword: {event_kind}") try: getattr(cls, event_kind) raise RuntimeError( f"{prefix}overlaps with an existing type {cls} attribute: {event_kind}") except AttributeError: pass event_descriptor = EventSource(event_type) event_descriptor.__set_name__(cls, event_kind) setattr(cls, event_kind, event_descriptor)
def _event_kinds(self) -> List[str]: event_kinds: List[str] = [] # We have to iterate over the class rather than instance to allow for properties which # might call this method (e.g., event views), leading to infinite recursion. for attr_name, attr_value in inspect.getmembers(type(self)): if isinstance(attr_value, EventSource): # We actually care about the bound_event, however, since it # provides the most info for users of this method. event_kinds.append(attr_name) return event_kinds
[docs] def events(self) -> Dict[str, EventSource]: """Return a mapping of event_kinds to bound_events for all available events.""" return {event_kind: getattr(self, event_kind) for event_kind in self._event_kinds()}
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> 'PrefixedEvents': return PrefixedEvents(self, key) def __repr__(self): k = type(self) event_kinds = ', '.join(sorted(self._event_kinds())) return f'<{k.__module__}.{k.__qualname__}: {event_kinds}>' def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """The existence of this method tells type checkers to allow dynamic attributes. This allows charms to access dynamically-defined events such as ``self.on.db_relation_joined`` without Mypy/Pyright whining. """ return super().__getattribute__(name)
[docs]class PrefixedEvents: """Events to be found in all events using a specific prefix.""" def __init__(self, emitter: Object, key: str): self._emitter = emitter self._prefix = key.replace('-', '_') + '_' def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> BoundEvent: return getattr(self._emitter, self._prefix + name)
[docs]class LifecycleEvent(EventBase): """Events tied to the lifecycle of the Framework object."""
[docs] def defer(self) -> NoReturn: """Lifecycle events are not deferrable like other events. This is because these events are run alongside each event invocation, so deferring would always end up simply doubling the work. Raises: RuntimeError: always. """ raise RuntimeError('cannot defer lifecycle events')
[docs]class PreCommitEvent(LifecycleEvent): """Event that will be emitted first on commit."""
[docs]class CommitEvent(LifecycleEvent): """Event that will be emitted second on commit."""
[docs]class FrameworkEvents(ObjectEvents): """Manager of all framework events.""" pre_commit = EventSource(PreCommitEvent) """Triggered before the :attr:`commit` event.""" commit = EventSource(CommitEvent) """Triggered before event data is committed to storage."""
[docs]class NoTypeError(Exception): """No class to hold it was found when restoring an event.""" def __init__(self, handle_path: str): self.handle_path = handle_path def __str__(self): return f"cannot restore {self.handle_path} since no class was registered for it"
# the message to show to the user when a pdb breakpoint goes active _BREAKPOINT_WELCOME_MESSAGE = """ Starting pdb to debug charm operator. Run `h` for help, `c` to continue, or `exit`/CTRL-d to abort. Future breakpoints may interrupt execution again. More details at """ _event_regex = r'^(|.*/)on/[a-zA-Z_]+\[\d+\]$'
[docs]class Framework(Object): """Main interface from the Charm to the ops library's infrastructure.""" on = FrameworkEvents() # type: ignore """Used for :meth:`observe`-ing framework-specific events.""" # Override properties from Object so that we can set them in __init__. model: 'Model' = None # type: ignore """The :class:`Model` instance for this charm.""" meta: 'charm.CharmMeta' = None # type: ignore """The charm's metadata.""" charm_dir: 'pathlib.Path' = None # type: ignore """The charm project root directory.""" _stored: 'StoredStateData' = None # type: ignore # to help the type checker and IDEs: if TYPE_CHECKING:
[docs] @property def on(self) -> 'FrameworkEvents': ... # noqa
def __init__(self, storage: Union[SQLiteStorage, JujuStorage], charm_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], meta: 'charm.CharmMeta', model: 'Model', event_name: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(self, None) # an old, deprecated __init__ interface accepted an Optional charm_dir, # so we have to keep supporting it: if charm_dir is None: logger.warning('Framework should not be initialized with `charm_dir` set to None.') self.charm_dir = None # type: ignore else: self.charm_dir = pathlib.Path(charm_dir) if event_name: event_name = event_name.replace('-', '_') self._event_name = event_name self.meta = meta self.model = model # [(observer_path, method_name, parent_path, event_key)] self._observers: _ObserverPath = [] # {observer_path: observing Object} self._observer: _PathToObjectMapping = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # type: ignore # {object_path: object} self._objects: _PathToSerializableMapping = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # type: ignore # {(parent_path, kind): cls} # (parent_path, kind) is the address of _this_ object: the parent path # plus a 'kind' string that is the name of this object. self._type_registry: Dict[_ObjectPath, Type[Serializable]] = {} self._type_known: Set[Type[Serializable]] = set() if isinstance(storage, (str, pathlib.Path)): logger.warning( "deprecated: Framework now takes a Storage not a path") storage = SQLiteStorage(storage) # TODO(benhoyt): should probably have a Storage protocol self._storage: 'SQLiteStorage' = storage # type: ignore # We can't use the higher-level StoredState because it relies on events. self.register_type(StoredStateData, None, StoredStateData.handle_kind) stored_handle = Handle(None, StoredStateData.handle_kind, '_stored') try: self._stored = typing.cast(StoredStateData, self.load_snapshot(stored_handle)) except NoSnapshotError: self._stored = StoredStateData(self, '_stored') self._stored['event_count'] = 0 # Flag to indicate that we already presented the welcome message in a debugger breakpoint self._breakpoint_welcomed: bool = False # Parse the env var once, which may be used multiple times later debug_at = os.environ.get('JUJU_DEBUG_AT') if debug_at: self._juju_debug_at = {x.strip() for x in debug_at.split(',')} else: self._juju_debug_at: Set[str] = set()
[docs] def set_breakpointhook(self) -> Optional[Any]: """Hook into ``sys.breakpointhook`` so the builtin ``breakpoint()`` works as expected. This method is called by ``main``, and is not intended to be called by users of the framework itself outside of perhaps some testing scenarios. The ``breakpoint()`` function is a Python >= 3.7 feature. Returns: The old value of ``sys.breakpointhook``. """ old_breakpointhook = getattr(sys, 'breakpointhook', None) if old_breakpointhook is not None: # Hook into builtin breakpoint, so if Python >= 3.7, devs will be able to just do # breakpoint() sys.breakpointhook = self.breakpoint return old_breakpointhook
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the underlying backends.""" self._storage.close()
def _track(self, obj: 'Serializable'): """Track object and ensure it is the only object created using its handle path.""" if obj is self: # Framework objects don't track themselves return if obj.handle.path in self.framework._objects: raise RuntimeError( f'two objects claiming to be {obj.handle.path} have been created') self._objects[obj.handle.path] = obj def _forget(self, obj: 'Serializable'): """Stop tracking the given object. See also _track.""" self._objects.pop(obj.handle.path, None)
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """Save changes to the underlying backends.""" # Give a chance for objects to persist data they want to before a commit is made. self.on.pre_commit.emit() # Make sure snapshots are saved by instances of StoredStateData. Any possible state # modifications in on_commit handlers of instances of other classes will not be persisted. self.on.commit.emit() # Save our event count after all events have been emitted. self.save_snapshot(self._stored) self._storage.commit()
[docs] def register_type(self, cls: Type[Serializable], parent: Optional[Union['Handle', 'Object']], kind: Optional[str] = None): """Register a type to a handle.""" parent_path: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(parent, Object): parent_path = parent.handle.path elif isinstance(parent, Handle): parent_path = parent.path kind_: str = kind or cls.handle_kind self._type_registry[(parent_path, kind_)] = cls self._type_known.add(cls)
[docs] def save_snapshot(self, value: Union["StoredStateData", "EventBase"]): """Save a persistent snapshot of the provided value.""" if type(value) not in self._type_known: raise RuntimeError( f'cannot save {type(value).__name__} values before registering that type') data = value.snapshot() # Use marshal as a validator, enforcing the use of simple types, as we later the # information is really pickled, which is too error-prone for future evolution of the # stored data (e.g. if the developer stores a custom object and later changes its # class name; when unpickling the original class will not be there and event # data loading will fail). try: marshal.dumps(data) except ValueError: msg = "unable to save the data for {}, it must contain only simple types: {!r}" raise ValueError(msg.format(value.__class__.__name__, data)) from None self._storage.save_snapshot(value.handle.path, data)
[docs] def load_snapshot(self, handle: Handle) -> Serializable: """Load a persistent snapshot.""" parent_path = None if handle.parent: parent_path = handle.parent.path cls_or_none = self._type_registry.get((parent_path, handle.kind)) if not cls_or_none: raise NoTypeError(handle.path) cls: Type[Serializable] = cls_or_none data = self._storage.load_snapshot(handle.path) obj = cls.__new__(cls) obj.framework = self # type: ignore obj.handle = handle obj.restore(data) self._track(obj) return obj
[docs] def drop_snapshot(self, handle: Handle): """Discard a persistent snapshot.""" self._storage.drop_snapshot(handle.path)
[docs] def observe(self, bound_event: BoundEvent, observer: Callable[[Any], None]): """Register observer to be called when bound_event is emitted. If this is called multiple times for the same event type, the framework calls the observers in the order they were observed. The bound_event is generally provided as an attribute of the object that emits the event, and is created in this style:: class SomeObject: something_happened = Event(SomethingHappened) That event may be observed as:: framework.observe(someobj.something_happened, self._on_something_happened) Raises: RuntimeError: if bound_event or observer are the wrong type. """ if not isinstance(bound_event, BoundEvent): raise TypeError( f'Framework.observe requires a BoundEvent as second parameter, got {bound_event}') if not isinstance(observer, types.MethodType): raise TypeError( f"Framework.observe requires a method as the 'observer' parameter, got {observer}") event_type = bound_event.event_type event_kind = bound_event.event_kind emitter = bound_event.emitter self.register_type(event_type, emitter, event_kind) # type: ignore if hasattr(emitter, "handle"): emitter_path = emitter.handle.path else: raise TypeError( f'event emitter {type(emitter).__name__} must have a "handle" attribute') method_name = observer.__name__ assert isinstance(observer.__self__, Object), "can't register observers " \ "that aren't `Object`s" observer_obj = observer.__self__ # Validate that the method has an acceptable call signature. sig = inspect.signature(observer, follow_wrapped=False) try: sig.bind(EventBase(None)) # type: ignore except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( f'{type(observer_obj).__name__}.{method_name} must be callable with ' "only 'self' and the 'event'") from e # TODO Prevent the exact same parameters from being registered more than once. self._observer[observer_obj.handle.path] = observer_obj self._observers.append((observer_obj.handle.path, method_name, emitter_path, event_kind))
def _next_event_key(self) -> str: """Return the next event key that should be used, incrementing the internal counter.""" # Increment the count first; this means the keys will start at 1, and 0 # means no events have been emitted. self._stored['event_count'] += 1 # type: ignore #(we know event_count holds an int) return str(self._stored['event_count']) def _emit(self, event: EventBase): """See BoundEvent.emit for the public way to call this.""" saved = False event_path = event.handle.path event_kind = event.handle.kind parent = event.handle.parent assert isinstance(parent, Handle), "event handle must have a parent" parent_path = parent.path # TODO Track observers by (parent_path, event_kind) rather than as a list of # all observers. Avoiding linear search through all observers for every event for observer_path, method_name, _parent_path, _event_kind in self._observers: if _parent_path != parent_path: continue if _event_kind and _event_kind != event_kind: continue if not saved: # Save the event for all known observers before the first notification # takes place, so that either everyone interested sees it, or nobody does. self.save_snapshot(event) saved = True # Again, only commit this after all notices are saved. self._storage.save_notice(event_path, observer_path, method_name) if saved: self._reemit(event_path)
[docs] def reemit(self) -> None: """Reemit previously deferred events to the observers that deferred them. Only the specific observers that have previously deferred the event will be notified again. Observers that asked to be notified about events after it's been first emitted won't be notified, as that would mean potentially observing events out of order. """ self._reemit()
@contextmanager def _event_context(self, event_name: str): """Handles toggling the hook-is-running state in backends. This allows e.g. harness logic to know if it is executing within a running hook context or not. It sets backend._hook_is_running equal to the name of the currently running hook (e.g. "set-leader") and reverts back to the empty string when the hook execution is completed. Usage: >>> with harness._event_context('db-relation-changed'): >>> print('Harness thinks it is running an event hook.') >>> with harness._event_context(''): >>> print('harness thinks it is not running an event hook.') """ backend: Optional[_ModelBackend] = self.model._backend if self.model else None if not backend: yield # context does nothing in this case return old_event_name = self._event_name self._event_name = event_name old_hook_is_running = backend._hook_is_running backend._hook_is_running = event_name yield backend._hook_is_running = old_hook_is_running self._event_name = old_event_name def _reemit(self, single_event_path: Optional[str] = None): last_event_path = None deferred = True for event_path, observer_path, method_name in self._storage.notices(single_event_path): event_handle = Handle.from_path(event_path) if last_event_path != event_path: if not deferred and last_event_path is not None: self._storage.drop_snapshot(last_event_path) last_event_path = event_path deferred = False try: event = self.load_snapshot(event_handle) except NoTypeError: self._storage.drop_notice(event_path, observer_path, method_name) continue event = typing.cast(EventBase, event) event.deferred = False observer = self._observer.get(observer_path) if observer: if single_event_path is None: logger.debug("Re-emitting deferred event %s.", event) elif isinstance(event, LifecycleEvent): # Ignore Lifecycle events: they are "private" and not interesting. pass elif self._event_name and self._event_name != event.handle.kind: # if the event we are emitting now is not the event being # dispatched, and it also is not an event we have deferred, # and is also not a lifecycle (framework-emitted) event, # it must be a custom event logger.debug("Emitting custom event %s.", event) custom_handler = getattr(observer, method_name, None) if custom_handler: event_is_from_juju = isinstance(event, charm.HookEvent) event_is_action = isinstance(event, charm.ActionEvent) with self._event_context(event_handle.kind): if ( event_is_from_juju or event_is_action ) and self._juju_debug_at.intersection({'all', 'hook'}): # Present the welcome message and run under PDB. self._show_debug_code_message() pdb.runcall(custom_handler, event) else: # Regular call to the registered method. custom_handler(event) else: logger.warning( f"Reference to ops.Object at path {observer_path} has been garbage collected " "between when the charm was initialised and when the event was emitted. " "Make sure sure you store a reference to the observer." ) if event.deferred: deferred = True else: self._storage.drop_notice(event_path, observer_path, method_name) # We intentionally consider this event to be dead and reload it from # scratch in the next path. self.framework._forget(event) # type: ignore if not deferred and last_event_path is not None: self._storage.drop_snapshot(last_event_path) def _show_debug_code_message(self): """Present the welcome message (only once!) when using debugger functionality.""" if not self._breakpoint_welcomed: self._breakpoint_welcomed = True print(_BREAKPOINT_WELCOME_MESSAGE, file=sys.stderr, end='')
[docs] def breakpoint(self, name: Optional[str] = None): """Add breakpoint, optionally named, at the place where this method is called. For the breakpoint to be activated the JUJU_DEBUG_AT environment variable must be set to "all" or to the specific name parameter provided, if any. In every other situation calling this method does nothing. The framework also provides a standard breakpoint named "hook", that will stop execution when a hook event is about to be handled. For those reasons, the "all" and "hook" breakpoint names are reserved. Raises: ValueError: if the breakpoint name is invalid. """ # If given, validate the name comply with all the rules if name is not None: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('breakpoint names must be strings') if name in ('hook', 'all'): raise ValueError('breakpoint names "all" and "hook" are reserved') if not re.match(r'^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?$', name): raise ValueError('breakpoint names must look like "foo" or "foo-bar"') indicated_breakpoints = self._juju_debug_at if not indicated_breakpoints: return if 'all' in indicated_breakpoints or name in indicated_breakpoints: self._show_debug_code_message() # If we call set_trace() directly it will open the debugger *here*, so indicating # it to use our caller's frame code_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back # type: ignore pdb.Pdb().set_trace(code_frame) else: logger.warning( "Breakpoint %r skipped (not found in the requested breakpoints: %s)", name, indicated_breakpoints)
[docs] def remove_unreferenced_events(self) -> None: """Remove events from storage that are not referenced. In older versions of the framework, events that had no observers would get recorded but never deleted. This makes a best effort to find these events and remove them from the database. """ event_regex = re.compile(_event_regex) to_remove: List[str] = [] for handle_path in self._storage.list_snapshots(): if event_regex.match(handle_path): notices = self._storage.notices(handle_path) if next(notices, None) is None: # There are no notices for this handle_path, it is valid to remove it to_remove.append(handle_path) for handle_path in to_remove: self._storage.drop_snapshot(handle_path)
[docs]class StoredStateData(Object): """Manager of the stored data.""" def __init__(self, parent: Object, attr_name: str): super().__init__(parent, attr_name) self._cache: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.dirty: bool = False def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return self._cache.get(key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any): self._cache[key] = value self.dirty = True def __contains__(self, key: str): return key in self._cache
[docs] def snapshot(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the current state.""" return self._cache
[docs] def restore(self, snapshot: Dict[str, Any]): """Restore current state to the given snapshot.""" self._cache = snapshot self.dirty = False
[docs] def on_commit(self, event: EventBase) -> None: """Save changes to the storage backend.""" if self.dirty: self.framework.save_snapshot(self) self.dirty = False
[docs]class BoundStoredState: """Stored state data bound to a specific Object.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: # to help the type checker and IDEs: @property def _data(self) -> StoredStateData: ... # type: ignore @property def _attr_name(self) -> str: ... # type: ignore def __init__(self, parent: Object, attr_name: str): parent.framework.register_type(StoredStateData, parent) handle = Handle(parent, StoredStateData.handle_kind, attr_name) try: data = parent.framework.load_snapshot(handle) except NoSnapshotError: data = StoredStateData(parent, attr_name) # __dict__ is used to avoid infinite recursion. self.__dict__["_data"] = data self.__dict__["_attr_name"] = attr_name parent.framework.observe(parent.framework.on.commit, self._data.on_commit) # type: ignore @typing.overload def __getattr__(self, key: Literal['on']) -> ObjectEvents: pass @typing.overload def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: pass def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: # "on" is the only reserved key that can't be used in the data map. if key == "on": return self._data.on if key not in self._data: raise AttributeError(f"attribute '{key}' is not stored") return _wrap_stored(self._data, self._data[key]) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any): if key == "on": raise AttributeError("attribute 'on' is reserved and cannot be set") unwrapped = _unwrap_stored(self._data, value) if not isinstance(unwrapped, (type(None), int, float, str, bytes, list, dict, set)): raise AttributeError( f'attribute {key!r} cannot be a {type(unwrapped).__name__}: ' 'must be int/float/dict/list/etc') self._data[key] = unwrapped
[docs] def set_default(self, **kwargs: Any): """Set the value of any given key if it has not already been set.""" for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self._data: self._data[k] = v
[docs]class StoredState: """A class used to store data the charm needs, persisted across invocations. Example:: class MyClass(ops.Object): _stored = ops.StoredState() Instances of ``MyClass`` can transparently save state between invocations by setting attributes on ``_stored``. Initial state should be set with ``set_default`` on the bound object, that is:: class MyClass(ops.Object): _stored = ops.StoredState() def __init__(self, parent, key): super().__init__(parent, key) self._stored.set_default(seen=set()) self.framework.observe(self.on.seen, self._on_seen) def _on_seen(self, event): self._stored.seen.add(event.uuid) """ def __init__(self): self.parent_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None self.attr_name: Optional[str] = None @typing.overload def __get__( self, parent: Literal[None], parent_type: 'Type[_ObjectType]') -> 'StoredState': pass @typing.overload def __get__( self, parent: '_ObjectType', parent_type: 'Type[_ObjectType]') -> BoundStoredState: pass def __get__(self, parent: Optional['_ObjectType'], parent_type: 'Type[_ObjectType]') -> Union['StoredState', BoundStoredState]: if self.parent_type is not None and self.parent_type not in parent_type.mro(): # the StoredState instance is being shared between two unrelated classes # -> unclear what is expected of us -> bail out raise RuntimeError( f'StoredState shared by {self.parent_type.__name__} and {parent_type.__name__}') if parent is None: # accessing via the class directly (e.g. MyClass.stored) return self bound = None if self.attr_name is not None: bound = parent.__dict__.get(self.attr_name) if bound is not None: # we already have the thing from a previous pass, huzzah return bound # need to find ourselves amongst the parent's bases for cls in parent_type.mro(): for attr_name, attr_value in cls.__dict__.items(): if attr_value is not self: continue # we've found ourselves! is it the first time? if bound is not None: # the StoredState instance is being stored in two different # attributes -> unclear what is expected of us -> bail out raise RuntimeError( f'StoredState shared by {cls.__name__}.{self.attr_name} and ' f'{cls.__name__}.{attr_name}') # we've found ourselves for the first time; save where, and bind the object self.attr_name = attr_name self.parent_type = cls bound = BoundStoredState(parent, attr_name) if bound is not None: # cache the bound object to avoid the expensive lookup the next time # (don't use setattr, to keep things symmetric with the fast-path lookup above) # attr_name is optional at descriptor level, but we're bound now: it's # guaranteed to be a string. We need to help the type checker: assert isinstance(self.attr_name, str) parent.__dict__[self.attr_name] = bound return bound raise AttributeError( f'cannot find {self.__class__.__name__} attribute in type {parent_type.__name__}')
def _wrap_stored(parent_data: StoredStateData, value: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(value, dict): return StoredDict(parent_data, value) # type: ignore if isinstance(value, list): return StoredList(parent_data, value) # type: ignore if isinstance(value, set): return StoredSet(parent_data, value) # type: ignore return value def _unwrap_stored(parent_data: StoredStateData, value: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(value, (StoredDict, StoredList, StoredSet)): return value._under # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] return value def _wrapped_repr(obj: '_StoredObject') -> str: t = type(obj) if obj._under: return f"{t.__module__}.{t.__name__}({obj._under!r})" # type: ignore else: return f"{t.__module__}.{t.__name__}()"
[docs]class StoredDict(typing.MutableMapping[Hashable, Any]): """A dict-like object that uses the StoredState as backend.""" def __init__(self, stored_data: StoredStateData, under: Dict[Hashable, Any]): self._stored_data = stored_data self._under = under def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable): return _wrap_stored(self._stored_data, self._under[key]) def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: Any): self._under[key] = _unwrap_stored(self._stored_data, value) self._stored_data.dirty = True def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable): del self._under[key] self._stored_data.dirty = True def __iter__(self): return self._under.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._under) def __eq__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredDict): return self._under == other._under elif isinstance(other, return self._under == other else: return NotImplemented __repr__ = _wrapped_repr # type: ignore
[docs]class StoredList(typing.MutableSequence[Any]): """A list-like object that uses the StoredState as backend.""" def __init__(self, stored_data: StoredStateData, under: List[Any]): self._stored_data = stored_data self._under = under def __getitem__(self, index: int): return _wrap_stored(self._stored_data, self._under[index]) def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: Any): self._under[index] = _unwrap_stored(self._stored_data, value) self._stored_data.dirty = True def __delitem__(self, index: int): del self._under[index] self._stored_data.dirty = True def __len__(self): return len(self._under)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value: Any): """Insert value before index.""" self._under.insert(index, value) self._stored_data.dirty = True
[docs] def append(self, value: Any): """Append value to the end of the list.""" self._under.append(value) self._stored_data.dirty = True
def __eq__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredList): return self._under == other._under elif isinstance(other, list): return self._under == other else: return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredList): return self._under < other._under elif isinstance(other, list): return self._under < other else: return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredList): return self._under <= other._under elif isinstance(other, list): return self._under <= other else: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredList): return self._under > other._under elif isinstance(other, list): return self._under > other else: return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredList): return self._under >= other._under elif isinstance(other, list): return self._under >= other else: return NotImplemented __repr__ = _wrapped_repr # type: ignore
[docs]class StoredSet(typing.MutableSet[Any]): """A set-like object that uses the StoredState as backend.""" def __init__(self, stored_data: StoredStateData, under: Set[Any]): self._stored_data = stored_data self._under = under
[docs] def add(self, key: Any): """Add a key to a set. This has no effect if the key is already present. """ self._under.add(key) self._stored_data.dirty = True
[docs] def discard(self, key: Any): """Remove a key from a set if it is a member. If the key is not a member, do nothing. """ self._under.discard(key) self._stored_data.dirty = True
def __contains__(self, key: Any): return key in self._under def __iter__(self): return self._under.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._under) @classmethod def _from_iterable(cls, it: Iterable[_T]) -> Set[_T]: """Construct an instance of the class from any iterable input. Per if the Set mixin is being used in a class with a different constructor signature, override _from_iterable() with a classmethod that can construct new instances from an iterable argument. """ return set(it) def __le__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredSet): return self._under <= other._under elif isinstance(other, return self._under <= other else: return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredSet): return self._under >= other._under elif isinstance(other, return self._under >= other else: return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other: Any): if isinstance(other, StoredSet): return self._under == other._under elif isinstance(other, return self._under == other else: return NotImplemented __repr__ = _wrapped_repr # type: ignore